Mis on mentalisatsioon, selle roll inimese vaimses arengus ja miks arstid peavad seda teadma.
Meie kolledži Anita Plūme hea ettekanne mentalisatsioonist on leitav siit (Lätis) mentalizācija ārstiem pdf
Meie kolledži Anita Plūme hea ettekanne mentalisatsioonist on leitav siit (Lätis) mentalizācija ārstiem pdf
A very interesting page by IPA where are different links. I have not managed to look all of them trough,
Giacomo Rizzolatti (man who discovered mirror-neurons) about brains (in Russian)
Interesting lecture by Daniel Kahneman on the Trap of ‘Thinking That We Know’ Lecture is about an hour long but