Training 2025

The Estonian-Latvian Psychoanalytical Society launches a new training course to train psychoanalysts. Theoretical training is planned to start in the second half of 2024 or early 2025.

In order to participate in the training, candidates must have at least a Master’s degree in psychology (preferably clinical psychology; in its absence, additional experience in clinical work is required) or psychiatry and previous experience in psychoanalysis with a training analyst.

Those wishing to undertake training must indicate their interest no later than 01.07.2024.

In spring – summer 2024, they will be interviewed 2 times (2 different interviews.) The interviews are free of charge.

The training itself consists of three parts.

Self-analysis – this must be started about a year before the theoretical training with the training analyst.

Theoretical training – is conducted in English, (usually 2 weekends per month – one in Tallinn and one in Riga) for 4 years.

Conducting two analytical cases under the supervision of a competent supervisor.

Please contact us if you are interested and if you have any further questions:

Voldemars Švarcs, Director of the Estonian-Latvian Psychoanalytic Society Training Institute (e-mail ; phone +371 29228672; or Tatjana Burova, secretary of the Training Institute of the Estonian-Latvian Society

or the President of the Estonian-Latvian Psychoanalytical Society, Endel Talvik (e-mail; phone +372 5060131).

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